Italian spirit at the lake of Zurich

exceptional ambiance, interesting people, classy musical background and exquisite culinary delight … this could be some reasons for your restaurant-decision.

A taste of our dishes and rediscover the taste of tradition, the authenticity and freshness that reminds us of the Italy, which is rich in valuable natural products with a unique taste.

Which best experience is not accompanied by a good glas, to heal the soul and support the body, every dish must harmonize with wine to make it even more agreeable to the taste and grateful to the palate.

Open up for our mediterranean flair while you feel the breeze and spiritedness of Italy.

Opening hours

Ristorante La Scala

Monday to Thursday
11.30h - 14.00h / 17.30h - 23.00h

11.00 - 23.00h on good weather

11.00 - 22.00h on good weather

Vinobar il Sottoscala

Monday to Thursday
11.30h - 23.00h

Friday and Saturday
11.30h - 24.00h

11.30h - 22.00h

Hot food

Monday to Sunday
11.30h - 13.30h / 17.30h - 21.30h

Opening hours on holidays and public holidays

1. November
Hot food from 11:30 – 14:00 / 17:30 – 22:00

24. December
Restaurant La Scala und Kitchen closed
Sottoscala Vinobar opened from 10:00h – 17:00h

25. / 26. December
Hot food all day

31. December
Restaurant La Scala opened from 11:30h – 14:00h and
17:30h – Open End (Silvesternacht) geöffnet
Sottoscala Vinobar 10:00h – Open End (Silvester night)

1. / 2. Januar 2024
Hot food all day
